What will we leave behind in 2020?

10 of Swords

What card to better describe all of 2020! Thank goodness we are leaving all of that pain and hardship behind in such a hard year. Everyone experienced a lot of emotional and mental trauma but the 10's signify that we are finishing up that cycle and ready to move into a more healing center.

What will 2021 bring?

2 of Pentacles

Balance, balance, balance. After leaving all that trauma (aka drama) behind us, we will be yearning to regain some of that balance in our space. Let it be clear that we are not looking to go back to normal, but into a new cycle of balance, and self discovery. There will be many new paths, and options for everyone, as opposed to the stagnant energy we have been feeling the past year. Be ready to make moves, and always check in with your goals and intentions for yourself.

What can we look forward to in 2021?

The Hanged Man

The hanged man sets a completely new tone for us moving forward, giving us a lovely new perspective of the sacrifices we've made this last year. This will be a wonderful time to really take every moment to express gratitude; including any moments of hardship to really manifest future energies. When you feel stuck, it is actually a gift in the form of stagnant peace. Take that time to reflect and really gain a clear perspective to move forward. The Hanged man is here to serve us!

What should we look out for in 2021?

2 of Swords

While 2021 will definitely provide some relief from 2020, it's not all butterflies and roses. We will be released from 2020's mental chains, but may still experience stagnancy in our physical realities. Again, take this time as a much needed break to weigh your options and take a breath. We don't always have to be moving to be growing!

Divine Motherhood in 2021 Spread

2 of Cups// 8 of Wands: Now is the time to really take care and enjoy those interpersonal connections. Finding your tribe and those who you find a deep personal connection with will be integral to future movement in the physical world. Motherhood energy sits in a place of servant-hood, and care. Remember that finding good support outside of that energy is essential when refilling your cup. Mothers, and new mothers especially can become consumed with a servant heart, but must remember to find and fill those other important soul connections in order to thrive mentally and emotionally for your children.

4 of Cups// 7 of Swords: New mothers struggling with that first sting of a child becoming more independent should remember that energy is not created or destroyed but given and received. We as human beings often ask why the energy we work so hard to give is not received how we believe it should be, but remember that the ripple effect we send out with love can not be undone by someone else's energy. Our efforts are never wasted when sending out that vibration, and remember to be gentle with yourself. Remember to be proud of every kind vibration we send out, for it is because of our children we fight for a softer and more enlightened world.

4 of Pentacles// 3 of Swords: Remember that trauma we mentioned from 2020? Well, after trauma comes shadow work. Now it is time for us to sit with ourselves and let any pain and heartache from the recent past to come forward. Relinquish control and allow those emotions and observations to do their job. Pain is an integral part of the journey and from the beginning, no one knows pain like a mother. We are the divine feminine tapping into universal empathy, allowing us to become the world's healers. To show the world patience, kindness, and nurturing, we must first show ourselves the same courtesy.

2021 Advice Spread

Ace of Pentacles// Page of Pentacles: This is the time to manifest mamas! Anything and everything you want, this is the time to give it to yourself. If you're a working mama looking to really focus on that money, make it happen. If you're a mama looking to really work on family closeness and relationship, shift that energy. The world is asking you what you want, and it is ready to give it to you, you just have to get out of your own way, and ask for it!

The Hanged Man// The High Priestess: THIS is big energy. All about you girl. Really focus on your development as divine feminine and how that energy is the root to everything in our lives. Living in your power and taking the time to really develop your new found perspectives is never selfish, in fact, I see it as the absolute opposite. When we interact with and develop our divine feminine, we are preparing our gifts for the world.

5 of Cups// The Wheel of Fortune: Have faith in times of hardship or depression. Giving energy is a task so don't forget to be gentle with yourself and have faith in your north. In times of hopelessness, seek that support, and afford those emotions the time they need to pass. These moments are pivotal in a journey of self development. We absolutely could not harness our powerful empathy without that emotional pain, so do not store it or hide from it, but allow it the process it needs to grow and materialize for something greater.

***As a new mother (my due date is fast approaching,) I am so honored to be working with a company like Bellibind. I look forward to a continued collaboration with such an empowering group of women, and the beautiful energy exchanges that inevitably will be included in every interaction with the company and its members. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this community, and sharing the universe's messages with you all. Reading done by Kate Dotson @Merakaimystic


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